You can print from design mode, tile large forms, print crop marks and print spot color overlays. As you design a form, you can test its calculations, formatting options,
and intelligent features with “test mode”.
You can enter cell values to make sure
that you have selected the correct type
and attributes. This part of the review
took me a lot of time and I was not
satisfied with my results. NOT because of
the capabilities of the program. I‘m sure
these are all according to the manual.
Here was where I really missed having a
tutorial with a guide to follow instead of
having to invent my own data.
Data Intelligence
Speaking of data...I slowed down a bit in this area. I am a desktop publisher and
designer and am not long on spreadsheet-
type stuff. This section of the manual
-- part contents for background part 10
----- text -----
introduced the data-handling capabilities
of Informed Designer, Informed Manager
and Mini-Manager. You can learn how to
add “intelligent” features such as calculations, validity checks, choice lists,
and help messages designed to help the
person filling out the form. I’m sure
there are some of you readers who would
like a detailed description of this feature
of the program. I will say after reading
most of the information in this section
and the relevant sections of Mini-
Manager, this area is probably the core
of what makes this such a powerful and
versitile program. A good operator can use many different programs to draw or design a form that is both attractive and